Empowering Tomorrow's Leaders

Sustineri ApS, founded in 2021, is dedicated to elevating both people and profits by providing professional coaching and team development services. Our mission is to empower teams and organizations to enhance their leadership and management strategies, driving sustainable growth and success.

Skab Forandring

We optimize organizations and build up their competences and processes. Our tailored services empower them to take bold steps towards unlocking full leadership potential and achieving greater success.

cooperating sustineri

Om Os

We are committed to excellence and professionalism at every step, ensuring stability and confidence throughout the entire journey.

Vores Bæredygtige Mål

sustainability goals 4

Kvalitets Uddannelse

Vi mener, at uddannelse af de kommende ledere spiller en afgørende rolle i at forme deres tankegang og færdigheder, samtidig med at de driver bæredygtig virksomheds- og økonomisk praksis. Vores fokus ligger i at innovere og udvide vores kollektive viden og metoder ikke kun for at styrke hinanden, men også dem vi tjener.

sustainability goals 8

Anstændigt Arbejde & Økonomisk Vækst

Vi stræber efter at skabe gode og sikre startmiljøer for nye konsulenter og medlemmer, der slutter sig til vores team. Vores væsentligste positive bidrag er at hjælpe virksomheder med at blive mere succesfulde og dermed opnå økonomisk vækst.


Industri, Innovation & Infrastruktur

Hos vores virksomhed er vi forpligtet til at støtte innovative teknologi- og infrastrukturvirksomheder, der har en betydelig positiv indvirkning på samfundet og miljøet. Vores fokus er på at udnytte bæredygtig praksis og tjenester til at hjælpe med at reducere vores Co2-aftryk.

Centraliser Kundesupport

Are you ready to elevate and inspire greatness within your organization? Take the first step by watching the video and unlocking your potential as a visionary leader.

Afspil video om sustineri-poster

Our Reason For Being

At Sustineri, we support team leaders and managers in unleashing their full potential by using our tailored leadership approach, rooted in our proficient expertise and experience, to elevate people and profit.

We are a small business that provides sustainable leadership and management services for industrial organizations across Europe in need of process improvement. We are here to inspire leaders to maximize the synergies between financial success and employee wellbeing and by using the resources we have – loyalty, adaptability, and authenticity – all tailored to assist them in achieving success with their projects.

Our consultants are committed to provide the best services in a professional manner to our clients. We thrive driving results for our clients by leveraging their untapped potential through seamless communication, precise goal-setting, and collaborative problem-solving.

We aim to advance our expertise in leadership and pioneer the development of exceptional leadership coaching – shifting from product development to industrial operations – outclassing other competitors on the market.

By staying true to the brand, Sustineri has become a company we are proud of. We stand by our core values and help our clients with their process development by guaranteeing results that establishes long-lasting relationships.


Vores Klienter

Førende Management for Ledende Brands


"Vi har med succes udnyttet en projektstyrings ressource fra Sustineri. De demonstrerede alle nødvendige projektledelseskompetencer under workshoppen og opnåede det nødvendige overblik og fremdrift i projektet, hvilket resulterede i rettidig produktlancering. Jeg anbefaler stærkt Sustineris tjenester."
Senior R&D Director
"Jeg er tilfreds med resultaterne og den tilgang, de har taget i organiseringen og ledelsen af sessionerne i Product Management-træning. Vi har effektivt etableret praktiske og betydningsfulde strategier og skabeloner, der let kan implementeres."
Head of Corporate Project Office
"As a result of the workshop, we were able to understand our current state, and our needs, in terms of a Product Management framework, which also helped us to prioritize our goals. A fun, but very effective model based on a football field, stimulated thinking on how we want to look like from a Product Management perspective and identify gaps."
Vice President of Strategic Product Management
the netherlands
“Bo quickly recognizes and understands the situations and emotions described, and he succeeds in initiating new thoughts and considerations in me with very realistic and pragmatic examples, thought experiments, and experiences. He also assists in setting meaningful goals and provides tools to facilitate the personal journey towards these goals. I greatly appreciate the collaboration and look forward to every appointment.”
Vice President

Interesseret i Vores Ydelser?

Please get in touch with us to schedule a professional consultation today

Copyright © 2024 Sustineri - All Rights Reserved

Monday – Thursday 8:00 – 16:00

Telefon: +45 8198 5959
E-mail: br@sustineri.dk

Jernbanegade 27,
6000 Kolding,
